One of the reasons why luxury brand Club Med is so popular is due to the childcare options it provides. This is truly a family-friendly company that inherently understands the needs of both parents and children. Almost all of their resorts offer some sort of Club Med childcare, restaurants with baby corners in which parents can prepare meals for the little ones and useful room amenities, such as highchairs, baby baths, bottle warmers and cots.
The Club Med feature which holds the greatest appeal for travelling families however is the kids clubs. These are all run by registered childminders with help from professional sports instructors. There are clubs to suit several different age groups.
Babies can be looked after by the experienced Club Med nannies from the age of four months onwards. The baby and toddler space is always a riot of colour and soft play. Children will be entertained with music, songs and discovery walks. Special emphasis may be placed on helping them develop their motor skills. Babies can eat with their parents, or with their minders. A babysitting service is available in the evenings from 7 to 11pm.
Petit Club Med is for 2 to 3-year-olds. Your little ones will take part in age-appropriate games and craft activities, as well as sports and even a show. There is a baby gym including a mini trampoline to get everybody active in a fun way. There will also be paddling, songs, storytelling and lunch with their friends, although children can of course join their parents at any time.
The Club Med childcare services can even incorporate a nap time for your child. To be honest after a long day of activities, he or she may need a little rest. Pyjamas Club is the name of our evening babysitting service and it has provided many a weary parent with an evening in peace.
Mini Club Med
This club is for 4 to 10-year-olds and is split up into 4 to 5 years, 6 to 7 years and 8 to 10 years. There will be new sports to learn, creative projects to undertake, games to complete and music and dance. Your child could learn how to use the flying trapeze, how to ride a horse, take a cooking class and enjoy a nature walk all on the same day! Tennis and golf lessons are also available.
Your kids can eat lunch with their friends at the club, or with their parents. Should you want to have a peaceful evening meal, the Pyjamas Club childminding service is available until 11pm.
Junior Club Med and Passworld
Teenagers have their own dedicated space where they can express themselves and have some independence. As well as sports coaching and art activities, your teenagers will have access to video games, a DJ booth, a dance floor and film design software. Many will also enjoy the teen spa. la carte lessons during the day and childminding in the evening are also possible.
The Aspen Travel team can tell you everything you need to know about the children’s facilities that Club Med provides, as well as which resorts cater for which age groups. We will be happy to assist you in booking your Club Med holiday. Please give us a call on 0161 755 3081 and we’ll take a look at getting you the best possible deal for your dates.